Friday, November 14, 2008

Let there be light!

Today, we picked out all of our windows.  We want BIG.  BIG.  BIG windows.  With lots of light.  So for the two in the front of the great room, the one in the dining, and the one off the back of the master, we went with six foot by six foot picture windows topped with a six foot by two foot transom.  No panes, just solid sheets of beautiful glass.  
And then, just in case there was a tiny bit of light not making it's way into the house, we opted for a sliding glass door to the deck and french doors off the master.  There are even windows in our garage.  (Which of course if more of outside aesthetics rather than a light issue.)
And then he wanted to know about the front door.  Well, we had picked out a rather boring one from Lowes.
No, he insisted, he had something amazing.  And he called it the 'St. Charles."  Which of course made me go, "OOOOOh." even-though I hadn't seen it.  So, we met up with one of his associates at National Home Center and he showed us this:

The St. Charles.  It's so pretty.  I could pet it.  Sadly, we had designed the house with a single door and [frankly] could not afford the double door anyway.  So, we should have one of these beauties sitting on our porch in the near future.  (Note, they also have this double set up with an arched transom that is worthy of having a choir stand there to sing just when people approach your door, for a tidy little sum of 6K.  Also, not in our budget or design.)
But, for roughly $900, we have a solid mahogany door with glass (aka beautiful light) and gorgeous iron work.

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